Connecting to Google

From evaluations to mentoring, Accubate has many different kinds of meetings. The platform has the flexibilit to conduct your meetings on the platform of your choice.

The Google integration for Accubate allows you to create, update and delete meetings on the Google Calendar. The schedule of the meetings are available on the Google Calendar. Accubate doesn’t need access to your Google account, you connect your Google account with Accubate and Accubate handles it all on your behalf.

The process to connect your Google account to Accubate is by logging into Accubate with your credentials and provide authorization to Accubate using an authorization screen triggered from the integrations page in Accubate.

Providing access

Follow the following steps to provide access to your Google account.

  1. Click or tap on the profile icon on top right of the page
  2. Click or tap on Integrations
  3. Choose Google and go to the details page of the Google integration
  4. Click or tap on Connect button and follow the steps to authorize your Google account

Google is now connected to your Accubate account. You can now create or update your meetings on the Google Calendar and on Google Meet if you choose to attend the meeting virtually. Accubate will request Google to create a meeting URL that would be shared by both a schedule email from Accubate and an invitation from Google Calendar.

Raise a support ticket if you face issues or get an error.

Removing access

Follow the following steps to remove access to your Google account.

  1. Click or tap on the profile icon on top right of the page
  2. Click or tap on Integrations
  3. Choose Google and go to the details page of the Google integration
  4. Click or tap on Disconnect button and follow the steps to remove your Google account integration from your Accubate account

Raise a support ticket if you face issues or get an error.

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